Kubernetes Crash Course for Absolute Beginners [NEW]
Open source container orchestration tool
Helps manage containerized applications in different deployment environments
What problems does kubernetes slove ?
- the need for container orchestration tool
- trend from monolith to microservices
- increased usage of containers
- demand for a proper way of managing those hundreds of containers
What features do orchestration tools offer ?
- High Availability or no downtime
- Scalability or high performance
- Disaster recovery - backup and restore
master-worker pattern.
Node = virtual or physical machine
master node: control plane
- Api Server = Entrypoint to k8s cluster (via ui/api/kubectl)
- Controller Manager = keeps track of whats happening in the cluster
- Scheduler = Ensures pods placement
- etcd = kubernetes backing store (etcd holds the current status of any K8s component)
worker nodes: where your applications are running
Main Components
- smallest unit in kubernetes
- abstraction over container
- usually 1 application per Pod
- Each Pod gets its own IP address
- New Ip address on re-creation
Service (communication, load balancer for pods)
- Permanent IP address
- Lifecycle of Pod and Service not connected
- You specify the type of Service on creation
- Internal Service is the default type
- route traffic into cluster
- External Configuration of all of your applications
- Used to store secret data
- Storage on local machine
- Or remote, outside of the K8s cluster
Deployment (for stateless apps, replicate pods)
- Blueprint for ‘my-app’ Pods
- You create Deployments
- Abstraction of Pods
- for stateful apps
Local k8s cluster Setup
Production Cluster Setup
- Multiple Master and Worker nodes
- Separate virtual or physical machines
Setup k8s cluster locally (docker or other VM is required)
- using minikube : Master and Worker processes run on One machine.
- For MacOS:
brew install minikube
minikube installation minikube start --driver docker
minikube status
kubectl get node
k8s Demo
deploy a mongo instance and a web app into our local k8s cluster.
both mongo and webapp are official images which can be searched from docker hub.
demo code link: https://github.com/mjd507/k8s-demo
Mongo-ConfigMap.yaml: store mongo url
Mongo-Secrets.yaml: store mongo username and password
Mongo-Deployment.yaml: Deployment contains the template, the template is used for pod.
Service contains the port(can be random) and targetPort(mongo port). usually make the port same as targetPort, to make things easy :)
Web-Deployment.yaml: the type of the Service in this file is NodePort, which can be visit from external broswer. and we should specify the nodePort.
Steps for deploying in local k8s
kubectl apply -f Mongo-ConfigMap.yaml
kubectl apply -f Mongo-Secrets.yaml
kubectl apply -f Mongo-Deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f Web-Deployment.yaml
all images are deployed into containers, and we can verify by below:
kubectl get configmap
kubectl get secret
kubectl get svc
kubectl get pods
verify in the broswer:
minikube service webapp-service
Title: Kubernetes
Author: mjd507
Date: 2024-02-15
Last Update: 2025-02-23
Blog Link: https://mjd507.github.io/2024/02/15/Kubernetes/
Copyright Declaration: This station is mainly used to sort out incomprehensible knowledge. I have not fully mastered most of the content. Please refer carefully.